Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lets talk about the Kardashians...

Googling ‘pathetic excuses for humans’ should result in the Kardarshians as the top hit. I have never watched an episode of the show, and never plan on it. But I know the basic plot to it (if you can call it a plot). I refuse to support the family’s greed, and their obnoxious materialism that they display. 
The idea of Kim’s marriage is a complete mockery of the union of marriage. Seventeen million dollars wasted on a frivolous wedding that lasted a whopping 72 days. All I could think about when the news broke was how all of that money could have been spent on so many other things that could have helped so many people in this world. Good people who truly need help. Or even the government that comes close to shutting down every three months. Lets think about this people...
Thankfully, as I seen on Time magazine (, that there is a petition to get the show cancelled! It’s about damn time. I went to the website to explore the effort a little further. It’s clear that someone either spent good money, or a lot of time making this website. It’s quite clever actually and I encourage you all to at least look at the website, whether you agree or not. (
The website really is awesome. It’s doing something really good to. There needs to be a stand up against this sort of materialism. We have to work together if the average people like us want to survive. People who argue to 'leave them alone' and all that are clearly blinded. We have to make a stand against this, we can't simply ignore it! Their flaunted in front of us everyday. It's difficult to go a day without at the least hearing about one of them!
How do you feel about the Kardashians? Leave a comment, share your opinion!


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write about We are working hard to keep the media focused on this story, and refuse to back down until some sanity is restored to the situation. With bloggers like yourself we can keep the movement growing. Please visit often, we are moving and growing the petition to and allowing its signers to send their messages directly to the brands that pay Kim K.


  2. Absolutely! Thank's for checking out the blog, I completely agree with everything you're doing!

    Keep up the good fight!

