Saturday, November 19, 2011

Two weeks in line for Black Friday?!

I was reading through my Tweets and noticed one out of the ordinary posted by Time “People are already waiting in line for Black Friday sales (hint: they start in 6 days) |” 

Wait, wait. 
There’s a limit to this ridiculous idea of American materialism that I can handle, and this by far surpasses it. I don’t know whether to be more mad about the people crazy enough to wait up to 12 DAYS before Black Friday for deals, or the corporations pushing this ‘holiday.’ Sure I see the benefits for the economy on this day, and that it helps the economy blah blah blah....
Has anyone thought that all these deals can happen because of how high the prices are already jacked up? Maybe if they brought the prices down slightly throughout the entire year, people would have more money to spend on, oh I don’t know, more things from their stores! Or even pay of the debts that they have...
And just for arguments sake, I have a question for you, Time magazine. Is it really necessary to point out that one of the people camping out is “a 20-year-old with a nose ring.” What exactly are you implying here Time? 
What are your thoughts on this bizarre Black Friday situation?

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1 comment:

  1. Those damn pierced teenagers! And don't even get me started on his friend with the tattoo or the girl who was flashing her ankles to the whole crowd!
