Friday, January 20, 2012

Seriously? How Ridiculous!

You never know what is going to catch a writers attention and make them so angry inside that they need to voice their opinion on something. Today I’m bringing you an article about banning books. (Did you miss the time warp? I thought we already solved this issue).
Read it here -->
I really want to know where parents get the audacity to believe they have a say in literature, especially in an AP level class! Okay, so you don’t like the material, TAKE YOUR KIDS OUT OF THE CLASS. Just because you are an ignorant piece of crap does not mean that everyone should suffer. 
We see so frequently the few ruin the best things in life for the majority. It’s time to start fixing that, show these people that they ARE WRONG. Literature is for reading, learning, and understanding. There is NOTHING that says one has to agree with it. Pure ignorance. 
I’m glad to be back writing again, and can’t wait to start building up my audience again. You all are what make this blog worth it to me, and I’m so appreciative of you! It’s a whopping 12 degrees where I’m at today, so don’t be surprised if this isn’t my only post! 

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