I won't even post the link for this one, their page doesn't deserve the views. They wrote an article about how Katy Perry is no longer following her soon-to-be-ex on twitter. Twitter is blowing up with things like "RIP Journalism."
It truly is a sad day when you have to write a story about that. Shame on you.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Bigotry at its finest
Today I bring you and article that disgusts me. States are changing textbooks, but not in the right way! They are trying to justify taking teachings off the fact that the Founding Fathers were slave owners, and away from any teachings of minorities.
If interested the full article can be found here -->
People who enforce things like this are what is wrong with the country we live in. These are completely ludicrous ideas and teachings that we are forcing on our youth.
Facts are facts, truth is truth, there are no changing these things. By covering up things like the fact that our Founding Fathers were slave owners we are truly damaging these students. The teaching needs to focus on their greatness, of course, but also address the fact that they were slave owners. By going into slight detail of the times, and speaking about why it happened, and highlighting those who worked to fix it, we are taking a step in the future. It is pathetic that there are people out there who still cannot accept the fact that were all part of the human race.
By not teaching everyone about diversity, and what people of other colors have done, we are setting ourselves up for a revolution to occur. Think about this example which I heard at a Keynote by Edward James Oleos; if you feed someone hamburger everyday from the moment they begin school, to when they graduate, and give them no other options they don’t just begin to dislike hamburger, they have a full fledged hatred for it! Change eating hamburger with learning 90% about whites and you can see the problem!
The group pushing for this actually said "No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contributions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership." This is bigotry at its finest. To me it says “lets take all signs of diversity out of schools so anyone that isn’t a white christian won’t feel like they belong to our country.”
I also want to share the last quote in the article that stuck out at me, I’ll leave this one for you to decipher: "They voted down a motion that requires students to be taught about the terrorism brought about by the Ku Klux Klan and what they did to ethnic and racial minorities, but they turn around and pass a provision that requires the teaching of the violence of the Black Panther Party."
We need to address all races. This country was founded on diversity and everyone being able to come together and do their own thing. The longer we take to recognize this, the further we begin digging our own grave. I mean that in the deepest sense of the phrase.
Currently obsessed with: You used to hold me - Calvin Harris
Currently obsessed with: You used to hold me - Calvin Harris
Saturday, January 21, 2012
2am Breakfast?!
So after going out last night my friends and I decided we wanted a late night snack. Being the nugget lover I am, I was excited to go to McDonalds for a 10-piece. Little did I know McDonalds was about to ruin my entire night
I looked at the menu board, seen only breakfast items, and quickly went into a panic. I noticed the dollar menu and a few other things were still available, including a 20-piece nugget, so I was holding out hope. The first thing out of my mouth was “so is it all breakfast or can I still get nuggets.” The guy taking my order crushed my dreams by saying that they were only serving breakfast.
I swallowed my pride, not wanting to start arguing (never put it past me) solely because they had two security guards in the place, and got a breakfast sandwich.
Is this happening everywhere? I googled it and didn’t find anything useful on it. This is completely rediculous! At 2am I want the regular menu, NOT breakfast! I guess Taco Bell will be getting more business.
Let me know if your McDonalds are doing this! We need to stop this!
The Catholics got it right for once
Today I came upon an interesting article that might spark some controversy. Scrolling through my twitter anything dealing with the Catholic Church usually catches my attention because I enjoy laughing at the terrible things they’re doing now.
Here’s the article in question -->
Basically they wouldn’t let the kid have his first communion because one can “only proceed to the sacrament of First Communion when they take part in the Church’s life and understand the Church’s faith.” Clearly the boy with down syndrome, at his age, is unable to grasp the concepts. Parents get so confused with what is actually going on. They believe just because he’s hit the age he should be allowed to get his First Communion. With the reasoning the Church gave, I see no reason to argue. They even stated in the article that they are working with the child and the family to prepare him!
Unlike the mothers belief, they are not being cruel, if you don’t understand why you are taking the sacrament, you shouldn’t take it. I especially see no problem because they claim to be helping the child prepare. Get over yourselves.
NOTE: This may be the only time I side with the Catholic Church...Ever.
Friday, January 20, 2012
UPDATE: Seriously? How Ridiculous!
Well it looks like the school board still has some sense in them! I’m glad that it worked out this way. As for you Matt and Barbara Dame, SHAME ON YOU. Pathetic.
Check out the article here -->
Who I'm NOT voting for and why: Newt Gingrich
We may all be very, very screwed this time. More info on Newt here --> ***
***As you proceed to Fox News, please remember THEY ARE BIASED! So while it gives a good description of what has happened with his past wives, remember that Fox is trying to shine a happier light on him. DON'T LET THEM FOOL YOU. He blows.
Seriously? How Ridiculous!
You never know what is going to catch a writers attention and make them so angry inside that they need to voice their opinion on something. Today I’m bringing you an article about banning books. (Did you miss the time warp? I thought we already solved this issue).
Read it here -->
I really want to know where parents get the audacity to believe they have a say in literature, especially in an AP level class! Okay, so you don’t like the material, TAKE YOUR KIDS OUT OF THE CLASS. Just because you are an ignorant piece of crap does not mean that everyone should suffer.
We see so frequently the few ruin the best things in life for the majority. It’s time to start fixing that, show these people that they ARE WRONG. Literature is for reading, learning, and understanding. There is NOTHING that says one has to agree with it. Pure ignorance.
I’m glad to be back writing again, and can’t wait to start building up my audience again. You all are what make this blog worth it to me, and I’m so appreciative of you! It’s a whopping 12 degrees where I’m at today, so don’t be surprised if this isn’t my only post!
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