Monday, November 21, 2011

People make me sick.

I wake up this morning, check my Twitter to see any news I missed out on throughout the night to keep up to date and was disturbed at what I saw. An 80 year old women was murdered in Royal Oak, MI (Close to my hometown). For those of you who don’t know, Royal Oak is known for being an up scale area, with an attractive downtown.
WDIV-Detroit (Local 4) described that the women was bound and her throat was slit. ( up close to Detroit, I’ve been used to hearing about someone being killed, but never in a neighborhood like this. To think that someone, my grandmothers age, had to go through that torture, it makes me angry. No one should ever have to go through  something as hell-ish as that. Even if that person is a bad seed and cruel to others. 
It’s events like this that blind society to all the good that is going on. There are good people out there, but just like most things, people notice the things that go wrong, never what goes right. The news should do more praise stories, showing off the talent and good going on in their community. People are depressed as it is, we need an way to be uplifted!
What are your thoughts about murder or the stories news sources cover. Be sure to comment!

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1 comment:

  1. I like how the newscaster always starts by saying "good evening" and then proceeds to remind you why its not.
